A Brief Look into Zombie Canines
A zombie hound is a dog or any other canine who is brought back to life as a zombie, even more savage and wild than it was in life. A very famous example would be that of Stephen King's "Pet Cemetery". In this motion movie picture, the way of recreation is done by a sacred burial ground. In their recreated state, the body itself remains similar to their living state. Their souls however are no longer that of who they were, although they can gain companionships with certain individuals, they are more of empty vessels that can become hostile towards all living life should they come into contact with a bad spirit.
How to Kill Zombie Hounds
They are a very dangerous type of zombie because they are very swift and fast, and tend to attack in packs as well. Due to their fast and swift nature, in accordance to many movies and games, a great strategy is not necessarily kill one. To battle a pack by oneself is almost a death sentence, rather being able to wound their legs or dismember them to a point of immobility is a far better bet for survival.
Cerberus Dogs
The Cerberus[1] dogs from the Resident Evil series are a good example of Zombie dog or hound. In this recreation of the canine, they were altered through that of a lab virus. The virus gave them incredible speed and strength, and the ability to heal from most damages/injuries. They also were not completely mindless like that of a "typical zombie" the virus controlled their thoughts and made them loyal to the creator. https://screenrant.com/resident-evil-movie-game-creatures-all/