
This Page will list all people in the Zombie Apocalypse! universe, as well as their current status. (Dead, zombified, Unknown). I will add more people with time.

Key: U (Unknown) Z (Zombified) K (Killed when still human, did not become zombified.) UPZ (Unknown, Presumed zombified.) ZK (Zombified, Killed. Killed after becoming a zombie.) KZ (Killed by a human, but corpse subsequently zombified.

Some characters do not have proper names, and I shall have to refer to them by whatever name is ascribed to them. If 2 Characters have the same name I will Ascribe a number to them E.G: Steve 1, Steve 2.

The characters are in no particular order.

I hope this key makes sense.


Thomas Moreby (Z)

"BooBooBoy" (Z)

Ferdinand Mobius (K)

Margaret Winn (Z)

Janet Ramsey (Z)

Doctor Claire Freemont (Z)

Flip Carpenter (UPZ)

Simon Wesley (UPZ)
