
Food and drinks will be one of the most sought after supplies during the zombie apocalypse and for a good reason. Without food or water, we cannot function and eventually we would die. Here is a list of foods and drinks which would be a good choice for the zombie apocalypse.

(Note: This list is dynamic and may require additional suggestions.)

  • Canned food: This is very obvious because, in nearly every zombie movie, TV show and video game, the survivors are eating canned food. This is for a good reason. Canned food can last for up to a year if unopened and stored properly and doesn't require refrigeration. There are many varieties of canned products, but easy targets include baked beans, spaghetti, Spam, fish (e.g. sardines and anchovies), and soups.
  • MREs: MRE stands for Meal, Ready to Eat. These are commonly eaten by the military and MREs come in many different types. You can get MREs with nearly anything, from spaghetti to burgers. Despite their infamy, they would be useful in the apocalypse because you can eat them quickly and they are easy to eat. Civilian versions (like the Meal Kit Supplies) are also available if you can't obtain the real deal, although there's no substitution for quality if you have those as well. There are also dedicated sites like MREInfo and others that can help you with more information regarding MREs.
  • Peanut butter: Unless you're allergic to peanuts, skip this suggestion. You may be wondering "why peanut butter", but the main reason peanut butter is on the list is that it's highly nutritious and it makes stale or tasteless foods taste a lot better. For example, if you find stale bread or biscuits, peanut butter will improve the flavor. A simple meal can be "made" with just peanut butter and oats if the latter is obtainable (which shouldn't be a problem as oats can last for at least a year if they're kept in air-tight containers), providing a sustaining boost of protein, fiber, and fats, if a little bit thirst-provoking.
  • Nuts, dried fruit and other dried goods: Nuts and dried fruit are on the list because they last for a long time and they are highly nutritious. Dried foodstuff (like flour, pasta, oats, rice, powdered foods or cereals) as a whole can also last if storage conditions are maintained, but may need water to become suitable for consumption, whereas muesli and nut bars have a shorter shelf life and limited in variety, but are instantly consumable and easy to store.
  • Honey: Honey can be used to make other foods taste better and it never spoils as long as it is sealed. It's low amount of water and chemical makeup also makes it useful as an emergency disinfectant.
  • Pickles and preserves: Anything that’s very salty or very sweet will hold on longer than it would usually expect if sealed, due to its salt or sugar content. Fruit preserves like jam, marmalade or chutneys, or pickles like pickled cucumbers, olives, sauerkraut, or other vegetable are nutritious and can be used to improve the flavor of other foods.
  • Chocolate or other sweets: Uncommon, but will still be around during the dark times. The white speckling on chocolate when it gets a bit old will not harm you (it's fat bloom). You can still safely eat chocolate after its best-before date - it should last up to two years. Sweets like fudge or cookies will also last due to its high sugar content. Despite popular misconceptions, Twinkies do not last forever and they only have a shelf expectancy of 45 days, so consume those first.
  • Crisps/chips: Similar to other dried products and sweets, they can last a substantial amount of time due to being processed and high sodium content.
  • Manufactured dried meats: Good when it's obtainable, and you can make your own with whatever fresh meat (however questionable that you obtain it) at hand. Pre-made dried meats like jerky, biltong, or pemmican are examples.
  • Freeze-dried foods/meals: Functionally the same as MREs, although they take up less space and requires water to rehydrate in order to consume them without risking dehydration. Provided that they're kept dry, they can last for more than 12 months.
  • Eggs, fresh meat and other refrigerated/frozen foods: These food items will go off first when the apocalypse hits (due to a certain lack of electricity) and will become rarer as the early days go through. Your best bet is to consume those within a week. If you have chickens, eggs are easier to come by, but preferably only use them as meat if the livestock's near the end of their productive capabilities.
  • Hard cheese (e.g. Cheddar): Safe to eat when stored properly and even consumable when surface mold blooms (just cut off the moldy bit). Soft cheese (like goat's cheese) will go off quickly once mold kicks in, so don't risk it if there's mold.
  • Condiments: Can last for one year if unopened. Vinegar and Soy sauce will last the longest. Great for breaking up the monotony of food.

See Also[]

  • Zombie Defense Crew's food guide (here)
  • Water