
This Page will list all people in the Zombie Apocalypse! universe, as well as their current status. (Dead, zombified, Unknown). I will add more people with time.

Key: U (Unknown) Z (Zombified) K (Killed when still human. either by another human, or any sort of natural cause. Did not become zombified.) UPZ (Unknown, Presumed zombified.) ZK (Zombified, Killed. Killed after becoming a zombie.) KZ (Killed, but corpse subsequently zombified.)

Some characters do not have proper names, and I shall have to refer to them by whatever name is ascribed to them. If 2 Characters have the same name I will Ascribe a number to them E.G: Steve 1, Steve 2.

The characters are in no particular order.

I hope this key makes sense.


Thomas Moreby (Z)

"BooBooBoy" (Z)

Ferdinand Mobius (K)

Margaret Winn (Z)

Janet Ramsey (Z)

Doctor Claire Freemont (Z)

Flip Carpenter (UPZ)

Simon Wesley (UPZ)

Roman Abramovich (U)

Nicholas Hawksmoor (U)

Surita Mehment (UPZ)

Mrs Pickman (U)

Eugene O'Barry (K)

K.M Newman (U)

Stephan Benaron (U)

Elias Bacon (U)

Mrs Hackett (U)

Dr Samuel Johnson (U)

Dr Spufford (U)

Mrs Eliza Whiteman (U)

Thomas Hudson (U)

Anna Whitby (K)

Oliver Whitby (U)

Miss Catherine (U)

Dr Evelyn Hunt (U)

Dr Charles Barton (UPZ)

Josef Koczak (Z)

Jillian Christensen (UPZ)

Neil Stoddard (UPZ)

Rashmi Bajwa (UPZ)

Chief Inspector Ray Bertelli (UPZ)

Uma Bhupathi (UPZ)

Don Maybury (Z)

Jeanette Cooper (K)

Inspector Makewaite (Z)

Ian Oggleby (Z)

Keith Cosgrove (Z)

"Benson" (UPZ)

"Tompkins" (UPZ)

Andy Bainbridge (Z)
