A Supermarket is a place where food or supplies are commonly stored. These are great for raiding, but not advised to be used as a base as others will also think of raiding it.
- In larger shops there is enough space for large 30+ groups to comfortably stay, and that is a very conservative estimate.
- There will be all sorts of supplies including: Non-perishable food, water & non-perishable drinks, weapons, over the counter drugs, a possible pharmacy, some hardware equipment, basic auto supplies, hygiene items, and entertainment items
- Easy to fortify as long as the front windows are dealt with. Also several possible exits in case of emergency including: The front doors, the back doors, the cargo bay, and the fire exit. Though some circumstances might make escape harder.
- There may be some gardening supplies during spring that can be used for more long term survival.
- Easy to find.
- Usually along the main roads making getting around easy.
- Easy to find
- Very impractical for smaller groups due to the large size.
- High priority target for other survivors and bandits alike.
- Tend to be in high population density areas.
- Will likely be full of zombies.
- When asked people commonly list stores as where they'd go in an apocalypse. So you won't be alone.
- Keeping track of all the entries may prove difficult.
- Little land to farm on.
- Likely to be very picked over by the time you arrive, unless you are very lucky or looking for something very specific.
- By the time you/your group arrives another, possibly hostile group is likely to have already taken it due to it's advantages.
- Usually along the main roads meaning many people will pass by and could see you.
- Require a large group to fortify.