Paul Kaufman is a survivor and ruler of an outpost outside of Pittsburgh. He is the antagonist of the film Land of the Dead, played by Dennis Hopper.
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green[]
Kaufman is mentioned in the game as the employer of Jack, who had to fight through hordes of zombies just to get to where he was now. He orders Jack to clear out Fiddler's Green, which is infested, so that he and his elite can move in and take it over as their outpost. He successfully does so and becomes ruler of Fiddler's Green as a result.
Land of the Dead (2005)[]
Following him and his elite moving into Fiddler's Green, Kaufman pursues a life of luxury, while the poor live on the streets. It's then soon after a recent run that Cholo DeMora decides to retire and requests his own home in the Green. Kaufman however sees that Cholo is nothing and has him vacated from the premises and killed. Cholo however escaped and ended up stealing the massive truck known as Dead Reckoning. Cholo holds Fiddler's Green ransom for a $5,000,000 dollar ransom or he will level the tower with the truck's weaponry.
Instead of paying Cholo, Kaufman brings in Cholo's former commander Riley Denbo to find him and stop Cholo, then return with Dead Reckoning, in exchange that he and his friends can leave with a car and lots of ammo. As a contingency plan for it Riley should fail however, Kaufman decides to evacuate with money he steals from his fellow elites and kills off Sutherland, who attempts to stop him. Kaufman leaves as Big Daddy and his army of zombies penetrate the defenses and begin ripping apart people. He manages to get to his limo, however his servant leaves and he's left alone until a zombified Cholo arrives. As both end up in a scuffle, Big Daddy kills both with the use a propane tank.
Kaufman can be described as a manipulative, greedy and self-serving tyrant. He despises all the others who work with him to make the outposts around the US, even going as far as shooting Sutherland for his concern for the poor should the dead get through. Kaufman also is not above stealing either, as he attempted to escape with stacks of cash before his demise. He also shows to be shortsighted and delusional as he never takes the threat of the zombie seriously until it is too late, which is why his army is so incompetent to effectively fend off the zombies not to mention that he never tries to expand the safe zone of his city.