A morgue or mortuary (in a hospital or elsewhere) is used for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification or removal for autopsy or disposal by burial, cremation, or other method. These are generally not a good place to go, as the first people to be bitten and killed will probably be taken here, if not taken to a hospital first, and turn. A morgue is one of the first places to be affected by zombies, therby making it unsuitable for use.
- A morgue may have a small assortment of tools used to work on dead bodies, like surgical tools and other sharp objects
- Morgues are generally going to want to be avoided, so if one manages to clear all of the zombies out of it, it could make an okay hiding spot
- The tables used to examine the deceased can be used to make adequate barricades
- A morgue would, without the shadow of a doubt, be riddled with infected from even the start of the apocalypse
- A morgue is most likely not going to have much food, drinks, weapons, armor, and basic essential needs for the apocalypse
- If the morgue in question is part of a hospital, then even more infected will be lurking around