
This is a page about the different kinds of zombies in Minecraft, a popular sandbox video game. Please see the Minecraft Wiki for more in-depth information.

Types of Minecraft Zombies[]

Zombies in Minecraft are healed by the instant damage effect and are immune to poison and health regeneration effects. They can be damaged by instant health effect.

Unlike most of the other zombies on this wiki, they are spawned/created by darkness and they do not infect (unless you're a villager) nor do they consume flesh, so it's capable of being killed without risk of infection. Do not underestimate their bloodlust however, because of that fact.

Regular Zombies[]

These are regular zombies, which are found in the Overworld. There are 5 types:


These are regular zombies. They have some intelligence remaining, being able to pick up weapons and armor and use them, and able to climb ladders. Luckily, they do not infect a person or NPC unless they are killed, even if they are bitten. They cannot run or swim and will burn in the sun.

Baby Zombie[]

These are just like regular zombies, but shorter, faster, and sometimes able to ride animals or even other zombies.

Zombie Villager[]

These are created when any variant of regular zombie kills and infects a villager. The zombified villagers are just different-looking zombies that act the same as regular zombies. If a zombie kills a baby villager, it gets infected and turns into a baby zombie villager, and acts just like a regular baby zombie. Unlike the other zombies mentioned here, Zombie villagers can be cured by using a splash or lingering potion of weakness (can be brewed with water and a fermented spider's eye) and a golden apple.


Husks are zombies that spawn in deserts and do not burn in sunlight. They are also slightly taller (though their hitbox is the same as regular zombies) and inflict the "hunger" status effect on people when they are attacked. They do not have a zombie villager counterpart. They also have a baby variant, which are shorter, faster, and sometimes able to ride animals. They transform into regular zombies when submerged in water for too long.


The Drowned are zombies that spawn in water-based areas, such as rivers, swamps, and oceans, although regular zombies will be transformed into Drowned if they're submerged in water for too long. They are mostly the same as zombies, but they can swim and are sometimes armed with a trident. They also have a baby variant, which are shorter, faster, and able to ride a chicken.

Zombified Piglin[]

These are like regular zombies, except for the following:

  • They spawn in the Nether, instead of the Overworld (unless a pig is struck by lightning, which is very rare, or if a piglin or piglin brute is in the overworld for too long)
  • They are immune to fire and lava, and thus won't burn in daylight.
  • They cannot infect Villagers.
  • They do not attack the player by default.
  • Unless they were pigs struck by lightning, crossbow armed piglins, or piglin brutes, they all have golden swords.
  • When one is attacked, it will make a grunt before attacking, which alerts all zombified piglins within 32 meters, which do the same, causing a chain swarm.


Zoglins are zombified variant of hoglins. Zoglins are very aggressive, as they attack almost anything except other zoglins and creepers, and will even attack armor stands. They are also fearless, as they are not repelled by things that scare hoglins (like nether portals, respawn anchors, and warped fungus). They can only spawn when hoglins are in the overworld for too long.


Giants are a secret mob looking like a zombie. They almost behave like zombies.

Zombie horses[]

Secret, undead versions of your favorite horses. Unlike most zombies, they're usually non-aggressive, thus being suitable for use as steeds as they're also non-infective and only eat grass. Being undead, they will not drown like normal horses and can regenerate their own health.

Minecraft Zombie Drops[]

Unlike most of the other zombies on this wiki, killing Minecraft Zombies (except for Giants, Zoglins and Zombie horses) will have a chance of dropping resources like food, equipment and weapons. All Minecraft Zombies (except for Giants) will drop rotten flesh when killed.

Minecraft Zombie Type Other Drops
  • Iron Ingot
  • Carrot
  • Potato/Baked Potato (if burnt)
  • Iron Shovel or Sword (if naturally equipped)
  • Their armor (if naturally equipped)
  • Any stolen items or equipment
  • Zombie Head (when killed by a charged Creeper or an equivalent of an electrical explosion)
  • Carved Pumpkin/Jack o'Lantern
  • Iron Ingot
  • Carrot
  • Potato/Baked Potato (if burnt)
  • Any stolen items or equipment
  • Iron Shovel or Sword (if naturally equipped)
  • Their armor (if naturally equipped)
  • Any stolen items or equipment
  • Copper Ingots
  • Their armor (if naturally equipped)
  • Trident, Fishing Rod or Nautilus shell (if naturally equipped)
Zombified Piglins
  • Gold nuggets or ingots
  • Golden sword or axe, crossbow or warped fungus on a stick (if naturally equipped)
  • Any stolen items or equipment

Using Minecraft Zombie resources[]

It is important to learn the effectiveness of the Minecraft Zombie drops if you plan on using them to farm equipment. Here are some useful tips:

  • Never consume rotten flesh, in the same way you would never consume rotten meat or other zombie flesh. Although rotten flesh will not infect you or other humans, it is poisonous and will compromise your health. Feeding them to dogs is fine.
  • Although most of the other possible drops are rare, they have their uses. Even golden weapons or armor being rather flimsy due to their metallurgy being unsuitable for durability, most often they're enchanted with beneficial magic... enchantments, which can be useful depending on your situation.