Lobo is a Czarnian Male from the late planet Czarnia. He is a bounty hunter and assassin, known as more of a nuisance than an actual threat. Lobo himself, was actually responsible for the destruction of his entire race, engineering a virus which killed everyone but him. He's since self-proclaims himself as The Main Man and banished from both Heaven and Hell for being so bad, making him immortal.
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods (2022)[]
Issue 3[]
Lobo was in the Rylex System just days following Adam Strange's return to his family. He was at a local bar he frequents, where an alien arrived looking for noble warriors to fight for the universe, now in peril. Lobo inquired as to what the pay was, only for the alien to insult him. Pissed off, Lobo grabbed the alien and began intimidating him, however before any harm could befall the unfortunate alien, a Thanagarian warship had arrived. The entirety of the infected crew of Thanagarians then attacked all over the planet, including the bar where Lobo was at the time. He engaged one of them, which retaliated by scratching him across his chest, only for Lobo's body to be completely immune to the Anti-Living Virus. Lobo then twisted the warrior's head right off before taking his wings and taking out the warship above.
With the ship destroyed, Lobo emerged from the flames below, on fire, but also lighting a cigar before being called a "Great Warrior" by the alien that previously insulted him. Brushing it off, Lobo then said it was time for them to "Talk Turkey".
Physical Characteristics[]
Physical Appearance[]
Lobo is a Czarnian male that is 6' 4" tall, weighing in at 305 lbs. He is extremely muscular with mostly white skin with some blue upon it, long jet black hair, goatee and red eyes. His attire is that of a space biker, with a black cut with the sleeves torn off, no shirt underneath, black fingerless gloves, one chain wrapped around one of his forearms, black pants, boots, utility belt with a huge metal skull buckle and kneepads.
Personality & Traits[]
Lobo is known to be extremely vulgar, narcissistic and even vicious when it comes to his job. He's known to also be easy to anger, which has gotten him into trouble in the past, while also being extremely violent in his methods of killing. He's also known to have an issue with authority, with both heroes and villains alike.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Czarnian Physiology: Lobo hails from a species, known as the Czarnians. They possess superhuman abilities, which have made them allegedly, only killable by other Czarnians. Since Lobo is the last of his race, that remains inconclusive, but he does possess powers that make him a tough character.
- Invulnerability: Lobo is able to take blows from the likes of Superman and even planet-destroying attacks without so much as a scratch and is also immune to the effects of disease. He has had his body penetrated by bullets at times, but also possesses some resistance to magic. When scratched by a Thanagarian infected with the Anti-Living Virus, he didn't turn, likely due to his powers.
- Immortality: Lobo is incapable of dying, being deemed so bad, he was banished from entering either heaven or hell, making him effectively immortal.
- Self-Sustenance: Lobo's natural physiology allows him the ability to not need food, air or even sleep. He's even immune to the effects of space.
- Regeneration: Lobo's body can heal and regrow damaged or lost tissue within no time flat and with very little pain. He's even been able to regenerate in a pool of his own blood.
- Superhuman Strength: Lobo is incredibly strong, being able to knock out Superman with little to no effort. He's even strong enough to destroy entire planets.
- Superhuman Speed: He can sharpen his awareness and temporal flow, enabling him to move at speeds not possible in humans.
- Superhuman Stamina: Lobo is incapable of tiring and can keep going indefinitely.
- Bio-Fission: Should Lobo leave behind any genetic material, even a drop of blood, there is a chance it can make a new Lobo.
- Possession: Banned from Heaven and Hell, Lobo's spirit after death can travel about, taking control of anyone, even his own body, regardless of what damage it has sustained.