Brain Worm

A Geonosian Brain Worm is a worm-like parasite, hailing from the planet of Geonosis. They were first introduced in the Star Wars franchise, particularly Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


Geonosian Zombies

Geonisian Zombies

These creatures were encountered in 22 BBY, during the Second Battle of Geonosis, where Queen Karina The Great, utilized zombified Geonosians to hunt a search party sent to find Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. This party, led by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, leading several clone troopers into the Progate Temple, where Karina attempted to infect the Jedi with the worms, only to fail. Not long after this, a Tango Company trooper came infected by these worms, leading them to smuggle eggs aboard a TB-73 medical frigate, destined for the Ord Cestus Medical Station. The worms would then slowly infect every clone trooper aboard, then infected Padawan Barriss Offee, who nearly infected Ahsoka Tano, however she was freed when she was exposed to extreme cold. This led the pair to kill the infected troopers in self-defense. Following this incident, Anakin speculated that these creatures were the reason that the Geonosians were able to retake their planet.


Brain Worms are a type of parasite, possessing a hive-mind with that of a Geonosian queen. These creatures typically controlled the nervous systems of their hosts, both living or dead. As a result, these creatures can turn their dead hosts into zombie-like creatures and act as extensions of their respective queens. This ability wasn't limited to Geonosians alone, as other creatures could also be infected with these creatures as well. They typically find a way through the host's nostrils. Every one of these parasites are born from eggs, likely laid by the queens themselves. Despite their abilities however, they are not invulnerable and react very negatively to extreme cold.
