The future fungus are a fungal virus infection from the future in the tv series called Primeval.
Future Fungus come from an unknown time in the earths future once a few spores came through to 2009 through a rip in time called an anomaly which are gate ways to other places in time like the past and future. Their future home looked like a huge rainforest which was really hot with mountains.
The spores could be found everywhere and would spit spores at any living thing that would come into contact with it. even just touching it would infect you.
==Future Fungus== is the second and final stage the time it takes to enter this stage varies form different people some take hours and some only take a few minutes. the infected person gets taller and bigger and is completely covered in fungus and spores with one intension just to pass on the infection, They are also very fast runners and can climb any wall. They are not very intelligent tho they have been know to walk straight in to traps.