
Top 5 Guns For The Zombie Apocalypse

Firearms utilize fuel combustion to expel projectiles at high velocities, rendering them effective at combating zombies even at a distance. However, firearms also have several drawbacks. They require the user to carry and maintain a supply of ammunition and ensure proper upkeep of the weapon.

Guns are loud, require time to reload, and are inaccurate in the hands of an untrained user. Although a suppressor can reduce gunshot noise, it does not silence guns. In most cases, the weapon can still cause hearing loss with sustained use, and a person or zombie with functioning ears in the vicinity can still hear a suppressed gunshot.

The amount of guns available differs between countries. In the United States, civilians have access to over 393,000,000 legal and illegal guns. However, other countries such as Japan, the United Kingdom, China, North and South Korea, and Singapore have stricter laws and regulations on gun ownership, making it more difficult to obtain firearms.

Before an individual even begins to consider using a firearm in a zombie apocalypse, they need to ask themselves three questions:

  1. Do they possess the necessary skills to properly operate, service, and maintain the weapon?
  2. Does the firearm align with their preferred attack style and method of self-defense against the undead?
  3. Do they have a reliable backup weapon or enough members in their group to protect them until they can resume using their firearm if it becomes non-functional?

Regardless of whether one decides to acquire or use a firearm, safety measures should always be taken into consideration. Renowned defensive pistol expert, Jeff Cooper, condensed firearm safety into four rules:

  1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. The only firearm that may be considered unloaded is one that an individual has personally checked and has not left their possession. The moment it leaves their grasp, it should be assumed that it has somehow reloaded itself.
  2. Never aim the muzzle at anything one is not willing to destroy. In regards to pointing an unloaded gun, refer to rule #1.
  3. Keep one's finger off the trigger until the sights are set on the target.
  4. Always ensure that the target and the surrounding area is identified and clear of any potential hazards.

A gun rack with various firearms attached

When selecting a firearm, choosing a weapon that fires a common ammunition type and has low to medium recoil is recommended. High-powered rounds can be strenuous for the shooter, and uncommon ammunition may be hard to come by in an ongoing crisis.

Common types of firearms include:
