Trial transcripts state that a native guide referred to only as “Simon” was arrested and charged with the decapitation of a famous white hunter, Karl Seekt. Simon’s defense counsel, a Dutch planter named Guy Voorster, explained that his client believed he had actually done a necessary deed. According to Voorster:
"Simon’s people believe that a malady exists that robs the life force from a man. In its place is left the body, dead yet still living, without sense of self or surroundings and with only cannibalism as its drive. . . . Furthermore, the victims of this undead monster will rise from their own graves to devour even more victims. This cycle will be repeated, again and again, until none is left upon our Earth but these horrible flesh-eating monstrosities. . . . My client tells that the victim in question returned to his base camp two days behind schedule, his mind delirious and an unexplained wound on his arm. Later that day he expired. . . . My client then describes Herr Seekt rising from his deathbed to set his teeth upon the rest of his party. My client used his native blade to decapitate Herr Seekt and incinerate his head in the campfire."
Mr. Voorster then quickly stated that he did not agree with Simon's allegations and that he submitted it only to prove that he was indeed insane and did not deserve to be executed. However, because a insanity defense applied only to white men and not Africans, Simon was sentenced to execution by hanging. All records of the trial still exist, albeit in terrible condition, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.